Permanent Placement

Permanent Placement
Let Us Help You Find the Perfect Nanny

If you would like to hire a full-time or part-time nanny and you are looking for more of a long term commitment, we recommend our Permanent Placement Services. Permanent Placement Services are for families who can offer at least 3 months of employment to a caregiver.

Nannies placed in permanent positions have a variety of responsibilities, including caring for your child's physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs. They are also responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of your home, which can include cleaning out the dishwasher, keeping up with your child's laundry, cleaning up after meals during the day, and the light housekeeping involved with toy pick up and room organization.
The average rate of pay for nannies in Nashville is currently between $25- $30 per hour.
  • Full-Time Nannies work 30+ hours per week
  • Part-Time Nannies work under 30 hours per week
  • Summer Placements are included in our Permanent Placement Services.
*** Permanent Placements can take anywhere from 2 - 12 weeks to complete, depending on the job description and other factors.
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